
Identifying High Intensity Needs and Supports

High Intensity Physical Supports refer to the supports where specialised, highly skilled, and more experienced support workers may be required to deliver assistance to people who require these supports

What are  high intensity physical support needs? 

  • Complex bowel care: Complex bowel care involves providing people with specialist supports to manage their continence and may include assistance with colostomy bags, the use of suppositives and enemas etc., in addition to routine personal care assistance
  • Enteral feeding and management (PEG):  Support workers can assist people with enteral feeding, in accordance with their PEG regime. This can also include enteral medication assistance, cleaning/maintenance of equipment and stoma site cleaning. Some of the more complex supports may be needed to be provided by a nurse. Nextt does not current provide support with NG
  • Urinary catheters: Replacing and disposing of bags and monitoring health of people using indwelling and suprapubic catheters may be part of a general support worker role. In these cases, insertion of the catheter is done by a health practitioner.
  • Seizure management: Support workers often work with people who have epilepsy or seizure disorders, and this does not typically require specialist skills provided the support worker has an understanding about the procedures to follow. Where a support worker administers emergency epilepsy medication such as Midazolam or diazepam, they will  have training in medication specific emergency management procedures.
  • Pressure care and wound management: Support workers may work with people who require assistance with pressure care and wound management. This includes preventative strategies such as skin care, postural management, minor dressings and monitoring of wounds. Responsibility for wound care would normally be required to be completed by a nurse
  • Diabetes management: Support a person to implement their diabetes management plan and identify and respond to hypoglycaemic episodes, monitor, and record blood sugar levels (BSLs) and support with medication assistance. Support with insulin (with the exception of fixed dose pens) may require nursing support
  • Stoma care: This can apply to the management of different types of stomas such as colostomy and ileostomy care or tracheostomy care (where no other requirements apply relating to ventilation).

At Nextt we have been supporting people with high intensity support needs for over 20 years. Our experienced staff are trained and ready to support your high intensity needs

High Intensity Physical Supports with Nextt

Nextt can provide assistance around the management of your High Intensity Physical Support activities such as diabetes management and or enteral feeding. This can be provided alongside supports with your Daily Personal Activities.

We aim to assist you to live independently and get more out of life! Our highly professional team offer support to ensure your day-to-day routine is achievable and manageable.

These disability support services are usually offered in your own home but can also be provided in your community environment. We understand that each person has different needs and goals, so we work to tailor our daily personal activities assistance to each of our clients.

Whether you need short-term support or long-term support, we’re here for you. Contact us on 1300 369 568 for further information.